Become a T1L1 Mentor

Once trained, our Teach One to Lead One mentors take the curriculum and principles right into the classrooms of at-risk kids once a week. These principles are not native to Teach One to Lead One. These universal principles, like integrity and courage, when put into practice to make life better for themselves and others. We encourage at-risk kids to make these principles habits for their day-to-day lives. Our T1L1 mentor teams consist of 4 mentors that teach at-risk youth, who are selected by teachers, to not only know how to make good decisions but to become a leader.

Interested in becoming a T1L1 Mentor? Fill out the form below.

Become a FOCUS Volunteer

This once-a-month  “non-church” meeting is designed to teach youth about Jesus Christ while giving them a safe-place to have fun and receive a positive influence in their lives. We have several opportunities for volunteers to be a integral part of this awesome ministry… from bus drivers, food preparation, supervision, activities leaders, plus many more!

Interested in becoming a FOCUS Volunteer? Fill out the form below.

Become a One-on-One Mentor

According to Superintendant Mathew Cooper, there are over 600 students ‘at risk’ of not graduating in Habersham County!

Many because of poverty, abuse, single parenting… from NOT having the support they need. Once trained and certified, HUB helps facilitate our mentors in finding an ‘at-risk’ student so they can help change their lives.

Interested in becoming a On-on-One Mentor? Fill out the form below.

Please fill out the form below for more information on how you can be a part of helping the youth in our community!

I am interested in: (check all that apply)

2 + 7 =


Teach 1 to Lead 1

A powerful character and
leadership building program that
will transform youth.


A fun “non-church” worship service
program to witness and introduce
youth to Christ.


Help by becoming a Mentor

Our trained volunteers impact the lives of kids every day

Help by Donating

Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of kids every day


We believe you, as a concerned citizen of Habersham county, are interested in seeing the young people of our county not only succeed in graduating from high school but also to further their education and becoming productive
citizens within the work force and future leaders in our community. That is the goal of our T1L1 and FOCUS programs.
We need your help to keep the T1L1 and FOCUS programs in place and to expand them to reach more and more students in Habersham County.
Please prayerfully consider donating to HUB. Of course your generous donation is tax deductible and will help support
the needy youth of Habersham County.
We also ask that you consider becoming a mentor to directly and positively impact the lives of these students.